What can i say today is? today is the the 24th of February 2010, for some people its just another day, for some its the day it all change for good in their life, while for some people it might be the day their world comes crashing down.
For me the 24th of February 2010 was just like another day woke up at the usual time went to school (asian school of media studies)wrote my exams, oh less i forget i am currently doing my masters degree in multimedia at the asian school of media studies.
Asian school of media studies also known as Marwah Studios is located in Noida Utter Predesh india. Its suppose to be a World class college as it website puts it as. When you look closely at it you will notice that the owner of the college Sandeep Marwah is just a business man whose sole aim is to rob people of their cash with his so called 'college'. I mean a college is meant to have schedules, syllabus and normal things a normal college should. just imagine the 1st semester has been running for 7 months now
ASMS as its called places more emphasis on festivals rather than impartation of knowledge. i can say i was deceived by a fascinating website.
you can check it out if you feel like